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NOTE: The game longer has "Keys"​ for escape symbols.
THREE Rule Changes: ​
1. Lady Blood's Scheme now allows her to steal 2 Suspect Cards instead of just 1. This balances her scheme against Stella's. She can steal them from other players hands or from the draw deck. Once the Suspect has been discarded, Lady Blood's Scheme is out of the game.
2. After all Schemes have been played by each player, all Schemes
get reset and can be played again. This helps speed up "run on games."
3. We now have rules for a 2 player game! (See way down below)
Click the folder
minimal title
Click the folder
1. Determining the Killer: Everyone picks a Suspect from the 9 token pieces. You can do this by choice or randomly drawing. The remaining Suspect tokens will not be used in the game. Remove all the possible Suspect cards(not the dead end ones), and M for Murder cards from the deck and create 2 separate piles. Now remove all the possible Suspect cards(the characters) from that pile that a player has not selected and put those to the side. Take the pile of possible Suspect cards represented by a player and without looking, randomly draw an Actual Suspect from that pile. That card becomes the killer. Take the rest of the player suspect cards and hide those inside the Innocent Suspects envelope.
There are 5 types of Cards. S=Suspect, W=Weapon,
A= Action, G=Guilt and M for Murder.
(for 2 player game see down below)
2. The Play Deck: You should now only have 1 actual Suspect(Killer) card as part of the game. Hide the Killer card in the play deck. Shuffle the deck well so the Actual Suspect(killer) card gets lost in the deck. This becomes the Play Deck.
3. Deal 5 cards from the Play Deck to each player. Place the Play Deck in the center of the players.
4. The player with the least amount of Suspect and Weapon cards goes first. If there's a tie then the player with least amount of Action cards amongst them goes first. If there's still a tie then sort it out amongst yourselves.
5. The player to go first takes JUST the M for Murder cards(7) that you took out of the deck earlier, and shuffle them just for good measure. Without looking, that player draws one card from the Murder pile and flips it over, announcing, "A Murder has taken place!" and places it next to the Play deck. This will reveal the Actual Weapon that has to be uncovered from the play deck. Put the other Murder cards to the side. These will NOT be used in the game. And the Murder Card with weapon that you just drew will remain on the table like a crime scene. It just sits there. Don't touch it. Randomly draw any suspect not being used by a player and make that suspect the "Victim".
You have now created the crime scene.
6. Schemes
Each character in the game has their own "Scheme". A plan to help them win the game. Think of it as a special ability. If you notice on each side of the token pieces the "Schemes" are written. Each Player has the capability to use their Scheme ONLY ONCE before ALL player's use theirs. After they use their Scheme, the player must flip their token piece over to show all players that you have used your Scheme. OK? After all players have used their Schemes, each player may reset their Schemes and play them again.
Here are the Schemes for each player:
Lady Blood: s
Dame Heather
Van Molder:
"Slam/Open Door" Can be used by Tabitha to prevent a Scheme or an Action Card against her. This is the only Scheme that can be used out of turn against an Action card OR another Scheme. If she uses an action card on another player and they use a Slam door card to stop her, she can also use this scheme to open the door to counter the Slam door.
"Steal Weapon" Can be used to steal 1 Weapon card from a player's hand.
"Steal Suspect" Can be used to steal 2 Suspect cards from player's hand or the draw pile. (Limit 2 per Scheme. (i.e. You can steal 2 from 1 player OR steal 1 from 1 player and 1 from another.) NOTE: After the actual Suspect card has been discarded into the discard pile, this Scheme is "dead" and is not part of the game anymore.
"Stack the Deck" Can be used by Zona to arrange the draw deck in any manor she wishes by only looking at the back of the cards. Stacking time, 30 seconds or less.
"Steal Guilt" Can take 2 Guilt cards from 1 or 2 different players.
"Trade Hands" Can pick any player to trade card hands with that player.
"Steal Action" Can take up to 3 Action cards from any player, or players or even the draw deck. Example. (She can take 1 Action Card from Lucious, 1 from Zona and 1 from the draw deck. Or can take all 3 from the draw deck, or all 3 from Zona. (You get it?)
"Read Hand" She is allowed to look at anyone's full card hand.
"Steal Soul" This can only be used against a player AFTER they have used their scheme. This allows a player (player A) using Van Molder to switch characters with any other player(player B). Suppose Player B was Lady Blood and Player A uses "Steal Soul" against Player B. Player A then becomes Lady Blood and can re-use her Scheme. Player B becomes Van Molder but can not re-use Van Molder's scheme. Player A and Player B do not trade card hands either. Also, if Lady blood is the killer. Player A now becomes the player who has to escape the mansion.
Slam/Open door.
Steal Weapon card.
Steal Suspect cards.
Stack The Deck.
Steal Guilt cards
Trade Hands
Take Action
Read Hand
Steal Soul
Hidden inside the play deck are the Actual Suspect and ALL the Weapon cards. It's up to you to be the first to learn who that is and recover the Weapon card. It's also your job to collect enough "Guilt Points" to make an accusation UNLESS you are the killer. You won't know it at first but once you find out that you're the killer, then you no longer care about guilt points. Instead you now must escape before being accused of the murder.
The backs of the cards in your hand must be visible to all players at all times. This is so each player knows how many (if any) Action, Guilt, Suspect or Weapon cards each player has. This is key to stealing certain cards from certain players. i.e. If Joe doesn't know the Suspect and sees that Lisa has 2 Suspect cards in her hand, it's possible that both are Dead End cards, or that even one could be the actual Suspect card.
2 WAYS TO WIN (only 1 player can win)
1. Solve the Murder: See the Suspect card, have the Weapon in your hand, and collect enough guilt points. 2-4 Players you need 40 guilt Points. 5 or more players you need 30 guilt points.
2. Escape the Mansion: If you are the killer you can win the game by escaping with 2 guilt cards with matching escape symbols and the weapon card in your hand.
SOLVING THE MURDER: You can only make an accusation or escape from the mansion on your turn. For 2-4 Players you need at least 40 Guilt points to make an accusation. 5-6 players you need at least 30. Guilt points are either 5, 10 or 15 points at the top of each guilt card. You do need the proper amount of Guilt cards in your hand and the Actual Weapon card in your hand in order to make an accusation to win the game. You do NOT need the Suspect card in your hand to make and accusation in order to win, but you do, at least, need to have seen the Suspect card.
ESCAPING: As the killer you must escape the mansion. You do NOT need to collect guilt points anymore. You do need to collect 2 guilt cards with matching items at the top of each of card. These items are either a hot air balloon, horse and buggy, train, steam ship, motor wagon or a bicycle. You must also have the actual murder weapon in your hand in order to escape. With these 3 cards you can win the game as the murderer. So to win, if you are the suspect, you need 2 guilt cards with matching escape symbols and the weapon in your hand.
You draw an Action Card and it says. "Take 2 cards of your choice from any player". You pick a player and seeing that he/she has a S for Suspect card you draw that card only to fnd out you have drawn a "Dead End" Suspect card. Keep looking.
1. During each turn you must do one or both of the following. You must draw a card from the play deck and/or discard a card face up into the discard pile. You can never end your turn with more than 5 cards in your hand. If you end your turn and you have more than 5 cards in your hand, you must discard any cards of your choice. These cards are called "DEAD WEIGHT" (see below) because they are not playable. You can never discard the actual Weapon card either! You CAN end your turn with less than 5 cards.
2. You can play an Action card by placing it in the discard pile. Playing an Action card allows you to reveal other player's cards by forcing them to discard into the discard pile or handing them to you. The discard pile is public domain for all to view. Action Cards also allow you block an action with the SLAM DOOR card or lose a turn. You can only play one action during your turn.
NOTE ON THE 5 CARD MAX: During your turn, if you have already placed a card in the discard pile and played that card, meaning executed its actions, there is a chance you still have more than 5 cards in your hand. If that's the case you still must discard as many cards necessary before the next player's turn. Those extra cards you had to discard are NOT playable. They are called DEAD WEIGHT (you just lay them down in the discard pile) and your turn ends.
3. SLAM DOOR Action card: If a player uses an Action card against you that could jeopardize your game, you can discard and play the SLAM DOOR card which prevents the other player from executing the Action against you. This ends that players turn. A SLAM DOOR card can't stop a SLAM DOOR card. That's just silly. AND a Slam the Door Card can not stop a SCHEME. NO WAY!
5. Making an Accusation can occur anytime but ONLY during your turn. This can only be done if you have the proper amount of Guilt cards in your hand as well as the weapon. Again, you do NOT need to have the Actual Suspect in your hand to make an accusation. You just need to have seen it. DO NOT make a "wild" GUESS when making an accusation. That's no fun!
6. If you get to the last card of the play deck, and no one was able to make an accusation, simply reshuffle the play deck and continue to play until someone wins. By this time at least 1 person has identified the suspect and holds a weapon card in their hand.
7. Discarding the Actual Suspect card: If you have to discard the Actual suspect card, do not put it into the discard pile. Instead put it off to the side next to the murder scene.
4. In addition to drawing and discarding/playing a card, you can can also use your Scheme. This can only be done once during the game. (see above for details.)
1. Let's suppose the Actual Weapon for this game was the Mace. You have five cards in your hand, and you decide to draw a card from the play deck. You see it is an Action Card.
2. Your new Action card allows you to take 2 cards from any player. You see that Joe has 3 Action cards 1 Guilt Card and 1 Weapon card. Seeing that you know the Suspect is Demetrius and still don't know where the Weapon is, you use your new Action Card and lay it down in the discard pile. You then tell Joe you are taking one of his Guilt Cards and one of his Weapon Cards.
3. You discover that the Guilt Card is a coveted 15 points Guilt Card, and when added to your other 5 points and 10 points Guilt cards you now have enough to make an accusation. The Weapon card, however, was not the Actual Weapon. You don't want to keep the wrong weapon card, so discard it into the discard pile, so that you end your turn with no more than 5 cards.
4. What if you already knew that the Suspect was Demetrius, and the card you just drew was the Actual Weapon card which was the Mace? With 40 guilt points in your hand, you are now ready to make an accusation. Announce to the other players that you are ready to accuse and announce Demetrius killed the victim and lay down your Actual Weapon card and guilt cards. Suppose Lady Blood was the victim, you can now have fun by reading out the story based on your hand.
"Demetrius killed Lady Blood with the Mace. He has been known to talk rubbish about Lady Blood. Demetrius's Alibi is full of holes. You found a threatening letter from Demetrius to Lady Blood. And a Bloody hand print matching Demetrius's hand was found at the murder scene!"
These cards have the actual Suspects on them. Lady Blood, Zona, Lucious, Demetrius, Meriwether, Tabitha, Stella, Van Molder and Dame Heather. Only one card is taken out per game and hidden in the play deck.
These cards have the actual Weapons on them. There is a gun, stiletto, sword, crossbow, poison, mace, and a rifle. All Weapon cards are mixed in with the play deck.
These cards are for misleading the players. There are 6 Suspect Dead End Cards. This makes finding the culprit a little bit tricky.
In the written rules is states "These stay in the deck". That
was meant for the Setup only. During the game they can be
discarded just like any other card.
These cards are for taking cards from other players, having a player lose a turn, or slamming the door in your face which prevents an action card.
Each of these cards has a Guilt Point number attached to it (5, 10, or 15). There is also guilty evidence associated with the card. The more incriminating the evidence, the more the guilt points the card is worth. To win the game you need to collect and have in your hand 40 Guilt points to make an accusation. (30 for 5-6 players). At the end of the game you can read off the evidence to the other players when you make an accusation.
At the top of each guilt card are items for escaping the mansion. There is a hot air balloon, horse and buggy, train, steam ship, motor wagon, or bicycle. If you are the killer you must escape the mansion. In order to escape you need 2 matching items that can only be found on the guilt cards.
These cards are only used at the start of the game. Each game has only 1 Actual Murder Weapon and the Murder cards reveal the one Actual Weapon that all the players have to fish out of the Play deck or steal from one another in order to win. These cards do not get circulated or mixed in with the play deck. They are only used to set the MURDER SCENE!
NOTE: Unless it says "of their choice", the holder of the Action card selects the card at random from any other player. Otherwise the player falling victim to the action gives them a card of their choice. This is a good time to use a Slam Door card if you have it. You can never ask someone to give you a specific card. You can only steal cards based on what you see on the back of the cards (A,W, G, S). Yes, it is possible to end your turn with zero cards in your hand. SORRY!
So, imagine you are in a room in the mansion and someone is trying to play an Action card on you. With this card you can
just slam the door in their face, preventing the action from taking place, and the player's turn is over. A Slam the Door card, however, can not be used to prevent a Scheme.
Questions by our fans:
1. When you discard a card in the discard pile, do you discard it face down or up?
Answer: Always discard face up. All cards in the discard pile are public domain.
2. Can you discard and Action card without playing it?
Answer: Only when its dead weight. If the first card you discard is an action card, the action must be played.
3. Can you use a Slam! the door card against a Scheme?
Answer: Absolutely not. Like, no way!
4. Can Dead end cards be discarded? The written rules state they remain in the deck. YES, that was a meant for setup purposes only. They do NOT need to stay in the deck or your hand when you are playing. They can be discarded just like any other card.
5. Is this game a cooperative team game? Us vs the killer? No. this is every player for themselves. Only 1 winner and everyone else loses.
For a 1 v 1 Player game, the game play is a little different.
Instead of choosing the Suspect between the two players and putting the card in the deck, take ALL of the Suspects and shuffle them up. Then, without looking, take 1 Suspect and put that into the "Innocent Suspect" folder. Yeah, I know, forget what it says, that will be your killer. Now take the rest of the Suspects and shuffle them together with the Suspect Dead End cards. You should now have a total of 14 Suspect cards. Take the top 5 and deal 5 Suspects to what we will call the "Ghost Player". Line them up like so:
Remove these 5 Action cards from the deck and set them to
the side. You will not use these while playing a 2 Player game.
Take all the remaining Suspect cards and shuffle them in with the rest of the play deck (of course you still leave the 7 Murder cards out).
Now deal 5 cards to each player from the play deck just like you did for the 3-6 player game.
The key of the game is, by process of elimination, figure out who the killer is that is in the envelope.
With all the Suspect tokens in the bag, pass the red token bag around and randomly each player picks a Suspect token from the bag. That will be their player during the game. Schemes work the same as in the 3-6 Player game.
The first person to correctly guess who the killer is, collect 40 guilt points and have the weapon in their hand is the winner.
One main rule, YOU CAN NOT TAKE NOTES DURING THE GAME.Your guess has to be committed to memory only. You can use the side of the game box as a Suspect reference but that's it. No note taking allowed.
Just like the 3-6 player game, the person with the least amount of Suspect and Weapon cards will go first. Start by flipping over a Murder card to reveal the weapon. The first Suspect to be discarded during the game can instead be the "victim" and can be placed next to the Murder card, AKA "The Crime Scene"
Your turn is just like the 3-6 player game BUT you may use an Action card against your opponent AND the "Ghost Player". When you remove a card from the "Ghost Player's" hand you must replace it with the card from the top of the Play Deck. The "Ghost Player" should always have 5 cards in its hand. And NO, the Ghost player can not win.
If you use an Action Card against the Ghost hand that says something like "PICK ANY PLAYER They must give you 2 cards of their choice." Without looking at the bottom of the "Ghost Player's" hand, your opponent selects which card or cards the you can take. Example, lets say the "Ghost Player" has 2 guilts and 3 Suspect cards. The other player (your opponent) must select the 2 cards that you, the one using the Action Card, can take. At the start of the game, probably best for your opponent to select the 2 guilt cards. After you take the 2 cards that your opponent has chosen, take 2 cards from the draw pile and place them in the "Ghost Players" hand. Make sense?
SLAM THE DOOR. YES, you can use a Slam the door card if a player is trying to steal cards from you OR the "Ghost player".
What if YOU figure out that you are the Suspect? Then, just like in the 3-6 player game, you still must escape with 2 matching escape symbols and the weapon in your hand.
Schemes are played just like the 3-6 player game and can be used against the "Ghost Player" as well.
If a player plays a card "PICK ANY PLAYER Put all their false Weapon & Suspect cards in the discard pile" against the "Ghost Player" then flip over ALL the Suspect cards AND all the Weapon cards in the "Ghost Player's" hand and then put all of them into discard pile unless the actual weapon was in the "Ghost Player's" hand, that stays in the "Ghost Player's" hand, and everyone knows the "Ghost Player" has the actual weapon. Make sense?
Again, the player to figure out who the Suspect is and collects 40 guilt points and the weapon, wins the game. Unless you figure out you ARE the Suspect, then you can win by escaping with 2 matching escape symbols and the weapon in your hand.
If you would like to download and print out the 2 player rules on PDF and keep them in your Murder at Blood Mansion game box, you may do so right here down below!
Any questions regarding the rule please email me at braden@bloodmansion.com and I will be glad to offer help.